Shine Shine Everywhere a Shine

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Phew!  What a weekend!  

Undeterred by the sweltering heat and equipped for battle, we charged (well more like rolled) our way to victory.  The process all started a few days ago with an aggressive power-washing and etching stage.  

But I knew this next phase is where things would get interesting.  The epoxy coating has a relatively short workable window, so we enlisted the help of our good friends Brian and Shaina.  Brian set a timer for 45 minutes on his phone and off we went, somehow beating the heat AND “the clock” with a few minutes to spare.

The epoxy went down looking like spilled milk and it was really amazing to see how things transformed overnight.  When I went to check on things in the morning, everything had hardened and was shimmering like glass.  We were ready for the next phase.

The time had come for the final coat- a blend of acid-resistant urethane with an anti-slip compound.  Acid-resistance is especially important in a brewery, as many cleaners used in the brewing process are acid-based (not to mention beer itself being acidic).  Fortunately, the urethane coating was a bit more forgiving to work with and we were able to take our time with it.

It was a lot of hard work and took a small village, but we couldn’t be happier with how things turned out!  The coating looks great and will help us keep things clean and protected for years to come.  For me there is just something oddly satisfying about seeing your shop lighting “bounce” off of the floor 😄